How to Talk So People Listen

The room was set. The stage was brightly lit and adorned with company branding. Two hundred company leaders waited to hear from their CEO about the state of their business and the vision for the future. Following his address, I was honored to present my leadership keynote, Full Potential: 5 Shifts to Perform at Your Best.

The CEO did not disappoint. Instead of starting with statistics and growth charts, he captivated the audience with two stories demonstrating how the company met customer needs in meaningful ways. He also shared a humorous anecdote about a recent setback, showcasing the company’s value of “failing forward.”

Memorable Communication in Human-Centered Leadership

1st Question: How many company reviews, meetings, conversations, or speeches do you actually remember?
For every memorable one, there are probably a hundred you forget. One estimate suggests that 30 million PowerPoint presentations are given daily. Snooze!

2nd Question: How many of those are truly memorable, effective, and persuasive? Probably just a handful.

Human-centered leaders talk so people listen. In an age dominated by advanced technology and AI, our competitive advantage lies in human intelligence and human-centered leadership and communication. As a professional leadership speaker, I can tell you: people have remote controls in their heads today. If you don’t catch their interest, they click you off and change the channel.

The Power of Human-Centered Leadership

Human-centered leadership is not just about giving commands or making decisions. It’s about connecting with your team on a personal level, understanding their needs, and inspiring them to achieve their best. When leaders communicate in a way that resonates, they foster a culture of engagement and collaboration, driving the organization toward success.

Incorporate these strategies into your leadership style, and you’ll find that people not only listen but also remember and act on what you say. This is the essence of human-centered leadership: making a lasting impact through meaningful communication.

By focusing on human-centered leadership and improving your communication skills, you can create an environment where your team feels valued, heard, and motivated. Start implementing these techniques today, and watch as your ability to captivate and inspire grows.

Here’s to getting your message across, the human-centered way!

As a master storyteller, Steve has unparalleled ability to communicate dynamic business and leadership truths through stories, anecdotes and humor. Harness the power of the “number one” predictor of professional success, impact, leadership, high performance and sustainable relationships in business and life. Steve’s highest rated keynote presentation.

To book Steve today, contact Michelle Joyce!
(For information on keynote presentations, team workshops, and one on one coaching.)

“The purpose of Leadership Quest is to help professionals develop their personal leadership, vision and emotional intelligence. Everyday I strive to help leaders and teams achieve their desired goals in sales productivity, leadership, time maximization, and life-balance. ”

About the Author

Steve Gutzler is the President of Leadership Quest, a Seattle-based leadership development company. Steve is a dynamic, highly-sought-after speaker who has delivered more than 2,500 presentations to a list of clients including Microsoft, Starbucks, the Seattle Seahawks, Pandora Radio, Boeing, Cisco, Starwood Corporation, the Ritz Carlton group, and the U.S. Social Security Administration. He recently was voted #1 by the readership of Huffington Post as the Most Inspirational Leader on Social Media.

A published author on leadership and emotional intelligence, Steve resides near Seattle with his wife Julie where they enjoy time with their three adult children and six grandchildren.