Your New 90-Day Plan for Setting Goals

A few years ago, my son Jayce and I went to a Seattle Seahawks game. It was one of those unforgettable father-son moments, filled with excitement, and capped off with a victory. As the final seconds ticked away, we decided to get ahead of the crowd and make a run for the bus that would take us to our parked car. With a sense of triumph, we jumped on, feeling pretty clever about outsmarting so many others.

But there was one problem: WE GOT ON THE WRONG BUS.

Instead of heading toward our car, we ended up miles away from where we needed to be. Embarrassed and frustrated, we sheepishly got off the bus, and after two hours and a costly detour, we finally made it home—tired, confused, and much later than planned.

The lesson here is simple:
In life, it’s crucial to get on the right bus.
It’s easy to rush ahead, thinking we’re on the right path, only to realize later that we’ve gone in the wrong direction.

Pulitzer Prize-winning writer Katherine Anne Porter once said, “I am appalled at the aimlessness of most people’s lives. Fifty percent don’t pay any attention to where they are going; forty percent are undecided and will go in any direction. Only ten percent know what they want, and even all of them don’t go toward it.”

So, how do we make sure we’re heading in the right direction? Let me suggest a simple yet powerful 90-day plan to help you set and achieve your goals.

Remember: Goals are the compass that guide us toward our purpose, transforming it into our dominant inspiration.

Success doesn’t have to be complicated. When you get clear, focused, and disciplined, you’ll find that your goals are within reach. So let’s slow down, choose the right path, and make sure we’re on the right bus—headed toward the success we truly desire.

Here’s to you boarding the right bus and achieving your goals!

As a master storyteller, Steve has unparalleled ability to communicate dynamic business and leadership truths through stories, anecdotes and humor. Harness the power of the “number one” predictor of professional success, impact, leadership, high performance and sustainable relationships in business and life. Steve’s highest rated keynote presentation.

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“The purpose of Leadership Quest is to help professionals develop their personal leadership, vision and emotional intelligence. Everyday I strive to help leaders and teams achieve their desired goals in sales productivity, leadership, time maximization, and life-balance. ”

About the Author

Steve Gutzler is the President of Leadership Quest, a Seattle-based leadership development company. Steve is a dynamic, highly-sought-after speaker who has delivered more than 2,500 presentations to a list of clients including Microsoft, Starbucks, the Seattle Seahawks, Pandora Radio, Boeing, Cisco, Starwood Corporation, the Ritz Carlton group, and the U.S. Social Security Administration. He recently was voted #1 by the readership of Huffington Post as the Most Inspirational Leader on Social Media.

A published author on leadership and emotional intelligence, Steve resides near Seattle with his wife Julie where they enjoy time with their three adult children and six grandchildren.