Fuel Your Success:
Why Leaders Should Manage Energy, Not Time

In our interactive program, Full Potential: How to Perform Best Under Pressure, we take on the epidemic of workplace stress together and explore real, actionable solutions. The reality is that stress and burnout are hitting harder than ever.

These are more than just numbers; they reflect real people, real lives, and real challenges we must address.

Let’s take a moment to think about the impact:

Approximately 60% of employees feel negative effects from work-related stress, which can look like reduced interest, motivation, and energy. Cognitive weariness, emotional exhaustion, and physical fatigue are taking a toll on so many, leading to less productivity, less fulfillment, and, ultimately, less joy (American Institute of Stress, 2023).

Let’s Reverse the Trend

I often remind my clients, “It’s better to manage your energy than manage your time.” Time is fixed. The number of minutes in a day, days in a week, and even our years on this earth are set. But our energy? That’s something we can actively manage and amplify.

Think about it: Energy, not time, is the true currency of high performance—no matter our job or assignment. The ultimate measure of our influence and impact isn’t how much time we have, but how much energy we bring to the time we have.

Our mission in my company and coaching programs is simple yet powerful: to help you enhance your performance, leadership, health, and joy through the skillful management of energy. Because when we focus on managing our energy—how we generate it, sustain it, and direct it—we transform not only our work but also our lives.

Take a Moment to Reflect

I invite you to pause right now and remind yourself: your hours in each day are fixed, but the quality and quantity of energy you bring are not.
Energy is our most precious resource.

We can choose to take 100% responsibility for the energy we bring to work, to our homes, and to every interaction. Good energy creates greater productivity and stronger relationships. It fuels us to be our best selves.

Invest in Your Energy

Here are some of my favorite go-to energy sources to help you power up:

Let’s commit to managing our energy like the precious resource it is, so we can thrive, inspire others, and make a meaningful impact in our work and lives.

Let’s power up together!

With energy and gratitude,

As a master storyteller, Steve has unparalleled ability to communicate dynamic business and leadership truths through stories, anecdotes and humor. Harness the power of the “number one” predictor of professional success, impact, leadership, high performance and sustainable relationships in business and life. Steve’s highest rated keynote presentation.

To book Steve today, contact Michelle Joyce!
(For information on keynote presentations, team workshops, and one on one coaching.)

“The purpose of Leadership Quest is to help professionals develop their personal leadership, vision and emotional intelligence. Everyday I strive to help leaders and teams achieve their desired goals in sales productivity, leadership, time maximization, and life-balance. ”

About the Author

Steve Gutzler is the President of Leadership Quest, a Seattle-based leadership development company. Steve is a dynamic, highly-sought-after speaker who has delivered more than 2,500 presentations to a list of clients including Microsoft, Starbucks, the Seattle Seahawks, Pandora Radio, Boeing, Cisco, Starwood Corporation, the Ritz Carlton group, and the U.S. Social Security Administration. He recently was voted #1 by the readership of Huffington Post as the Most Inspirational Leader on Social Media.

A published author on leadership and emotional intelligence, Steve resides near Seattle with his wife Julie where they enjoy time with their three adult children and six grandchildren.